Figure widget
This widget is intended to display a single figure, with an optional evolution indicator.
Attributes (setters)
->setTitle('Total sales in €')
->setLink(LinkToEntityList::make('orders')->addFilter(StateFilter::class, 'confirmed'));
Note that the setLink()
method is expecting a LinkTo... instance.
Data valuation
Valuation is handled by a dedicated $this->setFigureData(string $figureWidgetKey, string $figure, ?string $unit = null, ?string $evolution = null)
in the Dashboard class:
class MyDashboard extends \Code16\Sharp\Dashboard\SharpDashboard
// [...]
public function buildWidgetsData(): void
$this->setFigureData('sales', 135, 'k€', '+3%');
Of course in a real word project you would probably fetch the data from your database, and compute the evolution from a comparison period. The fourth parameter, $evolution
, is optional and will display a green figure with a ↑ when starting with a +
, and a red figure with a ↓ when starting with a -